The treatment to the bilateral contract with failure of performance or incomplete performance is an important issue during during the bankruptcy procedures. 破产程序中如何对待未履行或未完全履行的双务合同是破产程序的重要问题。
Cereals traders say India has held conversations with Kazakhstan to secure a bilateral contract for wheat, after New Delhi was forced to import the grain in the past two years, but added that it was unclear if any deal had been signed. 谷物交易员称,印度已经与哈萨克斯坦展开会谈,希望达成一份双边小麦合同,但不知道双方是否已经签订协议。过去两年,印度已经不得不变成了一个粮食进口国。
A compromise contract is unnecessarily a bilateral contract; 和解合同不必定为双务合同;
Discussion on Bilateral Contract's Interests the Protection Mechanism of on the Side of Earlier Performing Party 刍议双务合同在先履行方利益保护机制
Postal contract is a kind of civil contract with the characteristic of style-required contract, onerous contract, bilateral contract and related to the third party. 邮政合同的性质是民事合同,一般来说其带有要式合同,双务有偿合同和涉他合同的特征。
For, only if the definition of contract base on the promise, we can explain the most three familiar contract& unilateral contract, bilateral contract and formal contract. 因为只有建立在允诺基础之上的契约概念,才能同时解释三种最为常见的合同&单边(unilateral)合同、双边(bilateral)合同和要式(formal)合同。
Forward and long-trem bilateral contract; 期货和长期双边合同;
Analyzing on the Nash-Cournot Competition Linear Complementary Model and Its Application in the Pool Market and the Bilateral Contract Market(ⅰ) 两种类型电力市场纳什-古诺竞争的线性互补模型及其应用(Ⅰ)
In this paper forest management characters, forest bilateral contract commodity producer's identity for the contractor are summarized and analysed respectively. 本文总结分析林业经营特点,山林的发包和承包以及承包者的商品生产者身份问题;
Because the proportional principle based power flow tracing method can't take into consideration of power flow direction of the bilateral contract. 因为基于比例分配原则的潮流追踪法不能考虑到双边交易的特性。
This thesis is a thorough research into unilateral contract and bilateral contract on the basis of a summarizing the contract types of private law and administrative law as well as the typical categorization of contracts in private law. 本文在对私法契约及行政契约类型概述之基础上,衔接私法上最典型之契约类型划分,对行政法上单务、双务契约展开深入研究。
At the same time, the results of the Nash& Cournot competition linear complementary model and its application in domestic and overseas pool market and the bilateral contract market are summarized. 对国内外双边合同型和电力库型古诺电力市场的Nash-Cournot(纳什-古诺)竞争已有的研究成果进行了比较全面的综述。
There exist unilateral contract and bilateral contract in administrative contracts, but they are not the typical corresponding pair. 在行政契约中存在和解契约和双务契约的种类,但二者并非对应的类型。
Research on power flow tracing method considering the direction of bilateral contract power flows 考虑双边交易功率指向的潮流追踪算法研究
Based on which, the maximum quantity of bilateral contract can be determined. 从而在此计算基础上确定了双方可以签定的固定双边合同的最大值。
Research on Power Flow Tracing Based Bilateral Contract Transmission Facility Usage Determination Scheme 基于潮流追踪的双边交易输电设备利用份额计算方案
These two models simulate the bilateral contract power markets and include the pricing method of the transmission network congestion. 这两个模型模拟双边合同型电力市场,模型已包含了输电网拥堵的定价方法。
As a multi-objective mathematical planning problem, the bilateral contract power flow tracing can be solved by optimization method; 至此,双边交易流的追踪就变为一个多目标数学规划问题,可采用优化方法来求解;
It is positive to apply this law to the precondition, the essential of application and the force effect about the right of counterplea against untrustworthiness. Concurrent Demur in Bilateral Contract 对新合同法中有关不安抗辩权问题进行初步分析,探索不安抗辩权的产生条件、法律适用要件及适用后产生的法律效力,对正确贯彻和运用这部法律有积极意义
In this paper, based on the concept of ATC, OPF software is used to calculate the maximum transfer power in the inter-area power transaction, and the problem how inter-area can complete the contract optimally under the firm bilateral contract. 本文运用优化潮流并根据ATC的概念计算出区域间互供电交易下的最大传输功率,并进一步计算出在固定的双边合同下,区域间如何优化来实现该合同。
When tracing bilateral contract power flows, a fair objective function is introduced to avoid the multi-solution problem. 在双边交易潮流的追踪中,通过引入公平参照函数以避免多解问题。
Study of the Right of Pleading Institution in Performing a Bilateral Contract On the Prevailing Administrative Commonweal Pleading System of China 双务合同履行中抗辩权制度的研究
In particular, corrections on bilateral contract power exchanges, through a contract curtailment procedure, are assessed for security-constrained transmission management in a deregulated environment. 特别是,通过一个合同削减程序,可以评估在解除管制的市场环境下用于考虑安全约束的输电管理双边合同的修正电量。
The Establishment of the Defense System in the Performance of Bilateral Contract 双务合同抗辩权体系之构建
Based bilateral contract first principle, a novel power flow tracing method is proposed which can take into consideration of power flow direction of the bilateral contract. 因此基于已有的双边交易优先的节点功率分配原则,本文提出了一种考虑双边交易功率指向的潮流追踪算法。
It is also shown that, in consideration of the network restriction, the introduction of the fair objective function can avoid the multi-solution problem effectively and reach the results that are as close as possible to the individual match percentages of the bilateral contract power flows. 公平参照函数的引入可有效地避免多解问题,在考虑网络约束的情况下,可找到各双边交易匹配率尽量接近的解。
It is possible to follow the classification of unilateral contract and bilateral contract in private law and clarify the administrative contracts in the same way, and further make clear the specific forms of these two categories of contracts. 可借鉴私法上关于单务契约与双务契约的分类,将行政契约作出同样的类型划分,并在此基础上明晰两类契约中的若干表现形态。
Analysis of the problem by graph theory shows that the Power Flow Weighed Digraph can be divided into bilateral contract Weighed sub-Digraph and pool contract Weighed sub-Digraph. 应用网络图论法对本文的潮流追踪原理进行分析发现,可将整个系统潮流加权有向图分成双边交易子图和联营交易子图。
Reason and basis to cause warrant right is bilateral contract. 认股权产生的原因和基础是双务契约。
In a bilateral contract market, the GenCos could trade with customers directly. 在双边合同市场中,发电公司能够直接和用户进行交易。